Monday, September 15, 2008

Gwinnett County Pageant 2008

Wow, what a week. This was the week for the Miss Gwinett County Pageant. All of the girls were involved in the pageant this year. We have been rehearsing for about a month now. Mamaw has been working on the dresses for a while and man are they beautiful.

Thursday evening started the events. Emma was in the baby pageant at 6:30 on the 11th. What a time for a baby pageant. All the kids are hungry and getting tired. They really should rethink that. Emma did a wonderful job. She was gorgeous in her dress. She won miss photogenic and got a crown and a trophy for her work. She was so grateful to get out of the blazing hot building and was so happy when she got outside.

On Sunday at 1pm, also a horrible time for a pageant no church that day, the girls took the stage competing for Wee Miss Gwinnett County. Their were 16 girls in the 3-4 year olds. Nikki was number 2 in the line up. She did a wonderful job. She walked all the x's and did all the turns by herself while keeping her pretty feet and hands even her smile in tacked. She was beautiful. I was so proud of her and she was excited. She loved the whole thing. Victoria was number 11 so she had a little wait before going on stage. She was so pretty in her bright pink dress and beautiful smile. The girls had such a good time showing off their pretty dresses and acting like princesses on the stage. It was just to cute for words.

Nikki won Miss Photogenic for her age group. She got her very first crown and trophy. She was so ecstatic as soon as we got back to the dressing room she asked if she could do another pageant. Oh no, I think I'm in trouble. So anyway here we go into the pageant scene. I vow to keep it to small local pageants and only a couple a year. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

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